The Menopause and Menstrual Health & Tackling Taboo

Menstrual Health – let's get talking, remove the stigma and…

Mental Health Emerges as UK’s Main Workplace Risk

What's the top priority on your boardroom agenda right now?

Menopause in the Workplace

Do you have a menopause policy in your organisation?

To Switch Off Or Not To Switch Off? That Is The Question

We all need to switch off but perhaps this timely reminder…

An Experience of Workplace Stress

Stress and Burnout, we all have different experiences…

Discover the Power of Knowing Your People and Reap the Financial Gains

Are your Leadership teams, Management and HR departments…

Why We Co-Founded Business Health Institute

Recently, in a passing conversation, we were asked ‘why’ we…

Fifth of UK managers consider quitting as COVID burnout strikes

More than six in ten UK managers have experienced burnout…

‘Back to human’: Why HR leaders want to focus on people again

As we move through this Pandemic we need to continually…

Shaping Human Experience

A focus on hybrid work and four emerging worker profies.