Coffee breaks boost productivity by 23%

Can a simple coffee break boost productivity by 23%? New study findings suggest so, highlighting the pivotal role of these breaks in workplace dynamics and job satisfaction.

Read on to find out more…

In a bustling workplace, coffee breaks are not just moments to refuel with caffeine – they are also opportunities for social interaction that significantly impact productivity and job satisfaction.

A recent study conducted by leading coffee machine providers at Connect Vending has unveiled the remarkable effects of coffee breaks on workplace dynamics.

The study, which involved 30 participants, focused on the influence of coffee breaks with colleagues on productivity and job satisfaction.

Participants were asked to rate various aspects of their job before and after a week without their customary coffee breaks with their ‘work bestie.’

Surprisingly, the results showed a stark decline in productivity among those who were deprived of their coffee breaks. A staggering 77 percent of participants reported a decrease in productivity, with an average decline of 23 percent.


The study also highlighted the crucial role of coffee breaks in fostering job satisfaction. Participants who missed their coffee breaks experienced a 94 percent decrease in office enjoyment, an 84 percent decline in job satisfaction, and a worrying 70 percent increase in the likelihood of considering resignation.

But it is not just about getting a caffeine fix – these breaks are fundamental for nurturing interpersonal bonds among colleagues. Following a week without coffee breaks with their closest work companion, 77 percent of participants admitted feeling more distant from their ‘work bestie.’

Elyas Coutts, Chief Executive Officer at Connect Vending, emphasised the significance of these findings, stating, “Our data demonstrates that coffee breaks are not merely about caffeine; they’re about boosting morale, enhancing productivity, and strengthening workplace relationships. The absence of these breaks can significantly impact employee satisfaction and retention rates.”

The study’s revelations shed light on the importance of promoting a conducive environment for socialisation within the workplace. Employers may want to reconsider the value of encouraging coffee breaks as more than just a pause in the workday – but as essential moments for fostering camaraderie and productivity among their teams.