Have You Put A Sticky Plaster On Your Organisation?

Jackie Connaughton, one of the co-founders of Business Health Institute, talks about how we shouldn’t ignore problems within your organisation, instead ripping the sticky plaster off and finding out the real answers.

Sticky Plasters Covering Workplace Issues

Is your sticky plaster bleeding?

What happens when we have a cut or wound? It will bleed, be sore/painful or weep. For some wounds, we will apply a sticky plaster to cover up to prevent infections or to make life easier, so we don’t keep catching the cut or reopen it.

We do not hesitate to take immediate action on such an injury.
However, in the business world does prevention take place with such immediacy?

Is the first port of call when applying wellbeing, a tick box approach? If so, what is beginning to become infected?

Perhaps the next stage in the process is applying a one size fits all approach to wellbeing?  Whilst that may temporarily work for some, but not for all. The problem remains unidentified, and the infection is creeping in size and texture, getting bigger and becoming more contaminated and toxic.

If the well-being need remains uncovered, it may scab over but is easily knocked off. What are you left with then in terms of your people and work climate? People that are unmotivated, unhappy, unproductive; along with a work climate that is going to impact your bottom line!

Suggested figures around the great resignation indicate that it will cost a business an estimated £20,000 to replace a middle manager on a salary of £40,000.

Do you know what a sticky, bleeding plaster is costing you in terms of revenue, profitability, culture, and resignation of your people?

Together, let’s take off the sticking plaster and breathe new light and energy into the well-being of your people and work climate.

Reach out NOW and soar in your business