Measurement Is At The Heart Of Success

Our work engagement and retention platform will help you keep your employees engaged, improve productivity, and increase ROI for both business owners and their employees.

What is an engaged employee?

An engaged employee is someone who cares deeply about the work they do, and who gives their all to make meaningful contributions to the success of their organisation. They are motivated by a sense of purpose and meaning at work and generally feel satisfied in their role as well as having a positive outlook about the future. They feel included and valued by their team and feel like they can be themselves at work. They want to go above and beyond for their organisation because they know that it will be recognised, appreciated, and rewarded.

An engaged employee will be more productive, creative and innovative than an average employee. They will stay with the company longer than other employees because they are happy with where they work. An engaged employee contributes towards building a great organisation culture by being a good role model for others within the business.

How do you define work engagement?

The definition of work engagement is that it’s a positive, fulfilling state of mind that’s characterised by high levels of vigour and dedication to your job.

That’s not something that can be faked it has to be real. When an employee feels physically, intellectually, and emotionally attached to their work, they’re engaged in it. They feel like what they do matters because it does. They want to be there, and they want to do more than just show up at the office every day.

And when employees are engaged in their jobs, they’re more productive, they’re happier on the job, and they’ll stay longer with their organisation because they feel valued there.

How do you Measure Employee and Work Engagement?

As the saying goes what gets measured gets managed.

Engagement is a measurable concept.  At Business Health Institute we use our proven analytical system to assess your work climate, establish a benchmark, and drive productivity in your organisation and areas of operation. ( See Framework below)

OHFB© Assess does not only provide an indication of the work engagement state levels but also considers the presence of distress states that impede the ability of employees to show engagement behaviour. Work engagement behaviour is regarded as being in a state of optimum work-related wellbeing (high ability to grow the business and to provide good customer service)

Do you want to know more? We’d love to discuss it with you…

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