The Ask Us Anything Panel for World Suicide Prevention Day

Together, we can change the conversation around mental health. Together, we can make sure everyone is safe and healthy.

Jackie Connaughton, one of the BHI founders recently spoke on the Ask Us Anything panel organised for World Suicide Prevention Day. Below are some of the topics that were discussed.

Together, we can change the conversation around mental health. Together, we can make sure everyone is safe and healthy.

Psychological safety is the foundation for high performance and innovation. When we feel psychologically safe at work, we can be more productive, creative, and engaged in our work.

Psychological safety is the belief that we are supported by the team to do our best work. It’s about having a sense of belonging and feeling like you belong. Psychological safety also comes from understanding that failure is not shameful or something to be punished for. It’s about knowing that you can fail without being judged or punished for it.

In order to have psychological safety in your workplace, you need people who are willing to speak up when they see something that isn’t working—and they need to feel confident that they won’t be ridiculed or punished for doing so.

When there is no psychological safety at work, people are less likely to speak up when something isn’t right because they don’t want to rock the boat or offend anyone else on their team. This leads to things like sexual harassment not getting reported because people fear losing their jobs if they report it; teams working poorly together because they all keep their opinions to themselves rather than trying new ideas out; and poor decisions being made because management doesn’t know what’s going on with employees below them

If this is an area you need assistance with in your organisation then reach out to us today.

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