The missing piece of the puzzle: Measuring your organisational pulse with OHFB

In today’s demanding work environment, the missing piece of the puzzle for many businesses is understanding the organisational pulse and the well-being of their people. Business Health Institute’s Organisational Human Factor Benchmarking (OHFB™) offers the unique solution you need. Our service not only measures these critical factors but also provides the “WHY” behind them, enabling targeted interventions for the best ROI.

The Cost of Doing Nothing

A recent study by Protime UK highlights the severe toll an embedded culture of overwork and unpaid overtime is taking on businesses and employees across the UK:

  • Excessive Workloads and Unrealistic Expectations: Over 54% of UK employees put in significant unpaid overtime monthly, equating to 19 million days of uncompensated work.
  • Retention Issues: 20% of employees plan to leave their jobs within six months to escape overwork, while 49% refuse additional responsibilities due to unrealistic expectations.
  • Hybrid Work Challenges: Hybrid workers are particularly vulnerable, with 33% more likely to work unpaid hours outside the office.
  • Managerial Shortcomings: 27% of employees feel managers aren’t doing enough to evenly distribute work, and 20% find their delegated tasks unrealistic.
  • Impact on Business Performance: 38% of employees report decreased productivity, and 29% say their work quality suffers due to overwork.
  • Employee Well-being: Overwork leads to increased stress and anxiety (53%), burnout (41%), and a reluctance to take holidays (25%).

How OHFB™ Addresses These Challenges

OHFB™ is designed to tackle these critical issues head-on:

  • Understanding Workload and Stress: By identifying the root causes of excessive workloads and stress, OHFB™ helps businesses implement effective workload management strategies.
  • Improving Managerial Practices: Our service reveals why leadership challenges occur, guiding management to foster a collaborative culture and distribute work more evenly.
  • Optimising Information Flow: OHFB™ highlights where crucial job information is lacking, enabling HR and management to ensure employees have the clarity they need to perform efficiently.
  • Enhancing Employee Well-being: By pinpointing stressors and emotional burdens, OHFB™ helps organisations implement targeted interventions to support mental health and well-being.

The Critical Need for Action

Protime UK’s research reveals a ticking time bomb in the form of overwork and unrealistic expectations. Businesses cannot afford to ignore these findings. The implications for employee motivation, productivity, retention, and overall business performance are dire.

Simon Garrity, Country Manager for Protime UK, warns: “Excessive workloads and unrealistic expectations are burning employees out, killing motivation and productivity, and driving away top talent from organisations.”

The Unique Answer from Business Health Institute

At Business Health Institute, we believe that unpaid work and missed holidays are not signs of dedication but symptoms of a flawed system. OHFB™ is the tool to diagnose and rectify these systemic issues. By respecting employee time, prioritising workload management, and encouraging a healthy work-life balance, businesses can create a happier, more productive workforce.

Take charge of your firm’s future with OHFB™ today. Contact us to revolutionise your approach to employee well-being and performance. Together, let’s build a resilient and thriving workplace. Contact us now to get started!